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Install on Rancher Desktop

Install Fluvio CLI

The Fluvio CLI is an all-in-one tool for setting up, interacting, and managing with Fluvio clusters. Install the Fluvio CLI by running the following command:

curl -fsS | bash

Install Rancher Desktop

Navigate to the Rancher Desktop installation page and follow the instructions. Rancher Desktop will provide access to other utilities needed to run Fluvio such as kubectl and helm.

Please make sure that the container runtime is dockerd (moby). That configuration can be changed in the Kubernetes Settings section on the sidebar.

A screenshot of the Rancher Desktop using dockerd as container

Start Fluvio cluster

You can start a Fluvio cluster by running fluvio cluster start.

$ fluvio cluster start --k8 --use-k8-port-forwarding

If rancher desktop is configured to manage a kubernetes cluster on a non-local host or ip, the --proxy-addr argument needs to provide that host dns name, or ip of that cluster.

$ fluvio cluster start --k8 --proxy-addr HOSTNAME_OR_IP

Verify cluster is running

We can check the fluvio cluster by checking version and status with the following command:

$ fluvio version

Hello, Fluvio!

Congratulations, you've successfully installed Fluvio on your local machine!

Let's use the Fluvio CLI to play with some basic functionality.

The first thing we need to do is create a [topic].

$ fluvio topic create greetings
topic greetings created

Now that we have a topic, we can [produce] some messages!

Use the following command to send a message to the greetings topic:

$ echo Hello, Fluvio | fluvio produce greetings

Finally, we can [consume] messages back from the topic

$ fluvio consume greetings -B -d
Consuming records from the beginning of topic 'greetings'
Hello, Fluvio

Way to go! You're well on your way to writing real-time distributed apps with Fluvio!

If you run into any problems along the way, make sure to check out our [troubleshooting] page to find a fix.

[topic] [produce] [consume]