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Version: latest

FVM - Fluvio Version Manager

Fluvio is installed using Fluvio Version Manager, fvm, which allows you to use multiple versions of the Fluvio CLI toolchain.

The fvm CLI is the official package manager for Fluvio, managing various fluvio binaries and development tools, enabling the selection from multiple versions or release channels.

To install FVM, run the following command:

curl -fsS | bash

fvm will be installed at ~/.fvm/bin, and will install fluvio and the rest of the development tools at ~/.fluvio/bin.

You will need to add these directories to your shell’s PATH environment variable.

By default, the stable channel is installed along with fvm. You can learn more about channels in the Install section.


The FVM CLI is the official package manager for Fluvio, managing various fluvio binaries and development tools, enabling the selection from multiple versions or release channels.

Fluvio Version Manager (FVM)

Usage: fvm [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

current Print the current active Fluvio Version
self Manage FVM
install Install a Fluvio Version
list List installed Fluvio Versions
switch Set a installed Fluvio Version as active
uninstall Uninstalls a Fluvio Version
update Updates the current channel version to the most recent
version Prints version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-q, --quiet Suppress all output
-h, --help Print help