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Publish to Hub

This section assumes my-connector project has been generated.

Connector Hub is a public repository for connectors. You can publish your connector as private to use on different computers or pubic to share it with the community.

Publish Connector to Hub

Use cdk publish to publish your connector to the Hub. If run without arguments, it will pack everything needed into a package and push the package to the Hub.

$ cdk publish

The connector is now available for download from the Hub.

Show Hub Connectors

Run cdk hub list to list connectors in the Hub.

$ cdk hub list
CONNECTOR Visibility
infinyon-labs/graphite-sink@0.1.2 public
infinyon/duckdb-sink@0.1.0 public
infinyon/http-sink@0.2.6 public
infinyon/http-source@0.3.0 public
infinyon/kafka-sink@0.2.7 public
infinyon/kafka-source@0.2.5 public
infinyon/mqtt-source@0.2.5 public
infinyon/sql-sink@0.3.3 public
acme/my-connector0.1.0 private

You will see all public connectors and your own private connectors.

Download from Hub & Run

You can download and run any connector from the Hub. In this example, we'll create new directory to download and run acme/my-connector0.1.0 connector:

$ mkdir test-conn; cd test-conn

Download the connector:

$ cdk hub download acme/my-connector0.1.0

Use connector .ipkg package file and run it with the --ipkg option:

$ cdk deploy start --ipkg acme/my-connector0.1.0.ipkg --config ../sample-config.yaml

This command assumes that the sample config is in the parent directory.

Run an Official Connector

You can use the same step-by-step to download and run an official connecgtor. Check the connector documetation to ensure the configuration file is correct.


  1. Generate a Connector
  2. Build and Test
  3. Start and Shutdown
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Secrets
  6. Publish to Connector Hub
  7. Use Examples in Github