NodeJS SDK Examples
- This client uses
to wrap the Rust client. - It supports most administrator features.
- The blocking calls to Fluvio return promises allowing for async on blocking Fluvio calls.
- The
call returns anasyncIterator
to allow iterating over the stream in a for-loop.
To see the full docs, visit our typedoc page.
Example Workflow
Follow the installation instructions to run this example.
* This is an example of a basic Fluvio workflow in Typescript
* 1. Establish a connection to the Fluvio cluster
* 2. Create a topic to store data in
* 3. Create a producer and send some bytes
* 4. Create a consumer, and stream the data back
import Fluvio, { Offset, Record } from "@fluvio/client";
const TOPIC_NAME = "hello-node";
const PARTITION = 0;
async function createTopic() {
try {
// Connect to the Fluvio cluster
console.log("Connecting client to fluvio");
await fluvio.connect();
// Create admin client;
const admin = await fluvio.admin();
// Create topic
console.log("Creating topic");
await admin.createTopic(TOPIC_NAME);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Topic already exists", ex);
const produce = async () => {
// Connect to the Fluvio cluster
console.log("Connecting client to fluvio");
await fluvio.connect();
// Create a topic producer;
const producer = await fluvio.topicProducer(TOPIC_NAME);
await producer.send("example-key", "Hello World! - Time is " + Date());
const consume = async () => {
try {
// Connect to the fluvio cluster referenced in the cli profile.
await fluvio.connect();
// Create partition consumer
const consumer = await fluvio.partitionConsumer(TOPIC_NAME, PARTITION);
console.log("read from the end");
await, async (record: Record) => {
// handle record;
console.log(`Key=${record.keyString()}, Value=${record.valueString()}`);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("error", ex);
// Create Fluvio Client Instance
const fluvio = new Fluvio();
$ npx ts-node example.ts