SmartModule Aggregates are functions that define how to combine each record
in a stream with some accumulated value. In the functional programming world,
this type of operation is also known as folding
, since the function "folds"
each new value into the accumulator.
Let's set up a new SmartModule project so that we can look at some code while introducing aggregators.
Generic Example: Aggregate Numbersโ
A common use cases is to aggregate a series of number and apply a particular operation, in this case it will be sum
Let's dive in and see how to this up in Fluvio.
Create a SmartModule Projectโ
Run smdk generate
with the name of the aggregate and choose the "aggregate" options:
$ smdk generate example-aggregate
project-group => 'john'
fluvio-smartmodule-cargo-dependency => '"0.3.0"'
๐ง Destination: ~/smdk/example-aggregate ...
๐ง Generating template ...
โ ๐คท Which type of SmartModule would you like? ยท aggregate
โ ๐คท Will your SmartModule use init parameters? ยท false
โ ๐คท Will your SmartModule be public? ยท false
Ignoring: /var/folders/5q/jwc86771549058kmbkbqjcdc0000gn/T/.tmp0ZJHbN/cargo-generate.toml
[1/5] Done: Cargo.toml
[2/5] Done:
[3/5] Done: SmartModule.toml
[4/5] Done: src/
[5/5] Done: src
๐ง Moving generated files into: `~/smdk/example-aggregate`...
๐ก Initializing a fresh Git repository
โจ Done! New project created~/smdk/example-aggregate
Code Generator for Aggregateโ
Let's take a look at the starter code from the template, located in src/
$ cd example-aggregate && cat ./src/
use fluvio_smartmodule::{smartmodule, Result, SmartModuleRecord, RecordData};
pub fn aggregate(accumulator: RecordData, current: &SmartModuleRecord) -> Result<RecordData> {
// Parse the accumulator and current record as strings
let accumulator_string = std::str::from_utf8(accumulator.as_ref())?;
let current_string = std::str::from_utf8(current.value.as_ref())?;
// Parse the strings into integers
let accumulator_int = accumulator_string.trim().parse::<i32>().unwrap_or(0);
let current_int = current_string.trim().parse::<i32>()?;
// Take the sum of the two integers and return it as a string
let sum = accumulator_int + current_int;
This example shows an aggregate function that adds all the integers in a stream
together. In our aggregate
function, we get two inputs:
- The
, which is everything we have summed so far, and - The
record, whose contents we want to add to the accumulator
The return value from our aggregate function will be the result of adding the record
to our accumulator. This value will be emitted in the output stream, and it will also
be passed as the accumulator
argument to the next call to aggregate
, with the subsequent record.
The input values are passed into the aggregator in a binary representation, so aggregators can operate over arbitrary data types. This is the reason that in this example, we first need to parse the input as strings and then as integers.
Aggregate functions require us to return a buffer of data that represents
the new accumulated value. In this example, the new accumulated value is the
arithmetic sum of the old accumulator and the current record as integers. To
return the new value, we convert the sum to a String and return it, using .into()
to convert the String to a RecordData
Build the SmartModuleโ
Let's make sure our code compiles. If eveything works as expected, there is a .wasm
file generated in the target directory.
$ smdk build
Compiling example-aggregate v0.1.0 (~/smdk/example-aggregate)
Finished release-lto [optimized] target(s) in 12.20s
Your SmartModule WASM binary is now ready for use.
Test on Clusterโ
Let's create a new Fluvio topic to produce the sample records we want to consume with our SmartModule:
$ fluvio topic create aggregate-ints
topic "aggregate-ints" created
Next, we produce some data to the topic. Remember, our goal here is to sum up integers in a stream, so we'll produce some sample input integers that we can read using the aggregator.
$ fluvio produce aggregate-ints
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 10
Let's double check it's all there.
$ fluvio consume aggregate-ints -dB
Consuming records from the beginning of topic 'aggregate-ints'
Load SmartModule to Fluvioโ
The SmartModule can be loaded to local Fluvio Cluster or [InfinyOn Cloud], as determined by the [current profile
]. In this example, the profile points to InfinyOn Cloud.
$ smdk load
Loading package at: ~/smdk/example-aggregate
Found SmartModule package: example-aggregate
loading module at: ~/smdk/example-aggregate/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release-lto/example_aggregate.wasm
Trying connection to fluvio
Creating SmartModule: example-aggregate
$ fluvio smartmodule list
john/example-aggregate@0.1.0 91.5 KB
SmartModules that have been uploaded on the cluster can be used by other areas of the system (consumers, producers, connectors, etc):
Run Aggregates with default initial valueโ
The default inial value for aggregagates is an "empty record", let's see it in action:
$ fluvio consume aggregate-ints -dB --smartmodule=john/example-aggregate@0.1.0
Consuming records from the beginning of topic 'aggregate-ints'
Run Aggregate with pre-defined initial valueโ
If we want to specify an initial value other than "empty record", we can use the --aggregate-initial
flag in the Fluvio CLI to specify a value, let's use 100
$ fluvio consume aggregate-ints -dB --aggregate-initial="100" --smartmodule=john/example-aggregate@0.1.0
Congratulations! ๐ Eveything worked as expected!
Publish to SmartModule Hubโ
Let's [publish] this SmartModule to [SmartModule Hub] to make accessible to others.
$ smdk publish
Creating package john/example-aggregate@0.1.0
.. fill out info in hub/package-meta.yaml
Package hub/example-aggregate-0.1.0.ipkg created
Package uploaded!
Let's double check that the SmartModule is available for download:
$ fluvio hub list
john/example-aggregate@0.1.0 private
Congratulations! ๐ Your SmartModule is now available for download in the SmartModule Hub.
Read nextโ
- Explore aggregate use-cases
- [Writing a JSON filter]
- [Writing a map to transform records] >}})
[InfinyOn Cloud]:
[current profile
[SmartModule Hub]: